
Sara Choe
I'm not Japanese..
I've traveled to Japan though and immersed myself in their culture while I studied abroad in school. I was also raised in a Korean household and I think Korea and Japan have a lot of similarities in food culture. I'll answer this question to the best of my abilities .. it may not be 100% accurate ! :)
I had yakitori maybe once or twice during my visit to Japan. It's not an everyday food therefore the sauce and sodium intake is much less than you're thinking.
Similarly, red bean paste is also NOT an everyday food it is a dessert. It goes along the same lines as the yakitori. Red bean paste is a common food item in China and Korea as well and I've really only seen it eaten as a treat.
A Japanese meal might be some sort of protein (like fish, beef, or chicken), veggies or salad, rice, and miso soup. These food items are all generally healthy and low in fat and sugar/sodium levels.
BUT the number one thing that stood out to me in Japan is the size of their portions. They're tiny (to me). I was born and raised in California so I'm all about the huge portions but in Japan, your meal is just enough to fill you up no more no less!


Maggie Carter
I’m not Japanese either but I’ve been to Japan with a Japanese friend and I ate as she ate and let me tell you the one thing I noticed was the LACK of sugar in particular. For example, if you buy a can of green tea from a vending machine, that’s what you get, green tea, no sugar. Green tea drinks you buy in western countries are packed with sugar. It took a bit of aclimatisation but in the end I was absolutely loving it. The food we ate was always fresh, simple, lovingly prepared, healthy and DELICIOUS!


Peter Y Cho
As a Korean growing up on a vegetarian diet I can tell you that traditional Korean cuisine is very high in vegetables (fiber) and very low fat. It was only after Koreans became wealthy did they add a lot of meat to their diet.


Profile photo for Sidney Raphael
One important Japanese diet fact was omitted: Japanese use very little oil in food preparation. Very little. Very, very little. On the opposite side of the scale, Chinese cooking uses a great deal of oil. Oil usually increases the taste. But it can accumulate in the body. If you own apartments and rent them out to Asian people, after you rent to Japanese people your kitchen walls can be as clean as the day you rent them out. Chinese renters use a lot of oil in their food, so the kitchen walls will have momentoes of the oilier diet.


Leah Ma
That reminds me of my niece (Chinese) who is married to a Japanese. Her first pregnancy she about went nuts with the Japanese diet. There was just nothing that satisfied her! Finally she went home to Taiwan for awhile (where she’d grown up till the age of 14) so she could get some food she liked. I guess she’s gotten used to it now though since she just had twins and spent the entire time in Japan.

