Metabolic Engineering:我国科学家在大肠杆菌中实现

L-高丝氨酸是一种天然存在的非蛋白氨基酸,可作为医药中间体,具有较好的市场前景。由于生产强度和经济性等原因, L-高丝氨酸的规模化应用受到严重限制。目前国内外尚未有L-高丝氨酸的产业化生产线,L-高丝氨酸也是当前少数仍未实现工业化生产的氨基酸品种。

Metabolic Engineering:我国科学家在大肠杆菌中实现

近日,中科院微生物研究所研究团队在《Metabolic engineering》发表了题为“Highly efficient production of L-homoserine in Escherichia coli by engineering a redox balance route”的研究文章,通过途径耦合设计,建立了还原力整体平衡的发酵路径,并将还原力供给途径中释放的CO 2 重利用,设计的途径实现了葡萄糖到L-高丝氨酸发酵不损失C元素。通过系统代谢工程改造和发酵工艺改进,高丝氨酸的发酵水平突破84 g/L,转化率达到50%,具有较好的经济性。



Highly efficient production of L-homoserine in Escherichia coli by engineering a redox balance route

Qingxuan Mu, Shasha Zhang, Xianjun Mao, Yong Tao, Bo Yu

L-Homoserine is a nonessential chiral amino acid and the precursor of L-threonine and L-methionine. It has great potential to be used in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, cosmetic, and fragrance industries. However, the current low efficiency in the fermentation process of L-homoserine drives up the cost and therefore limits applications. Here, we systematically analyzed the L-homoserine production network in Escherichia coli to design a redox balance route for L-homoserine fermentation from glucose. Production of L-homoserine from L-aspartate via reduction of the tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate oxaloacetate lacks reducing power. This deficiency could be corrected by activating the glyoxylate shunt and driving the flux from fumarate to L-aspartate with excess reducing power. This redox balance route decreases cell growth pressure and the theoretical yield of L-homoserine is 1.5 mol/mol of glucose without carbon loss. We fine-tuned the flux from fumarate to L-aspartate, deleted competitive and degradative pathways, enhanced L-homoserine efflux, and generated 84.1 g/L L-homoserine with 1.96 g/L/h productivity and 0.50 g/g glucose yield in a fed-batch fermentation. This study proposes a novel balanced redox metabolic network strategy for highly efficient production of L-homoserine and its derivative amino acids.




文章来源于科技部生物中心 。图片来源于 Metabolic Engineering官网。点击下方 阅读原文,即可查看英文原文。

Metabolic Engineering:我国科学家在大肠杆菌中实现

