
本期BMC前沿视角我们有幸邀请到了Genome Biology 编委严建兵课题组成员为我们解读最近发表在Genome Biology 以及BMC Biology 的五篇重要文献,以飨读者。




严建兵教授目前是 Genome Biology, Plant Journal, Science China Life Sciences,Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 等期刊的编委会成员。他2015年获得了国家杰出青年基金的支持,2016年获得教育部长江学者特聘教授称号。


#1. Title: Leveraging biological and statistical covariates improves the detection power in epigenome-wide association testing



Genome Biology

Date: 2020-04-06



全表观组关联分析 (EWAS) 是研究海量的基因组表观印记与生物体表型性状之间关系的一种有效统计手段。假发现率(FDR)控制是EWAS分析中常用的多重假设检验的矫正方法。传统的FDR方法并不考虑其它协变量的影响,因此统计功效较低。Huang等人利用公共数据库的61套人类EWAS数据集,测试了5种协变量适应性的FDR方法对改善EWAS统计功效的作用。作者设计并开发了一种Omnibus检验,用以评估17个统计学和生物学协变量在数据分析中的信息含量。研究发现,统计学协变量在不同数据集中具有比较通用的信息量,而生物学协变量的信息量则强烈依赖于数据集本身的遗传结构。进一步分析发现,相比于传统FDR方法,独立权重假设法(IHW)和协变量适应性多重检验法(CAMT)在不同数据集中均有更好的EWAS统计功效,特别是对于稀疏信号遗传结构的数据集。作者利用独立研究鉴定到的衰老和吸烟有关的DMP进行交叉验证,结果表明协变量适应性FDR方法能更好地检测到这些DMP。最后,作者提出将不同或相似数据集的EWAS结果作为FDR校正的协变量,同样能显著提高EWAS分析的统计功效。总而言之,针对大数据时代的共性难题“多重检验”,本研究提出了一种整合统计学和生物学知识的新思路,为人们有效挖掘重要性状表型背后的生物学机制提供了新的机遇。

Epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) is an effective statistical approach to discover the association between epigenetic marks and biological traits. False discovery rate (FDR) control has been widely used for multiple testing correction. However, traditional FDR control methods do not consider auxiliary covariates, causing reduced statistic power. Huang and his collaborators evaluated the performance of five covariate-adaptive FDR control methods by using 61 public EWAS data. The authors developed an omnibus test to evaluate the informativeness of 17 statistical and biological covariates. They found that statistical covariates are generally more informative and are universal across EWAS datasets, but the informativeness of biological covariates strongly depend on the structure of the datasets. The further analyses revealed that the independent hypothesis weighting (IHW) covariate adaptive multiple testing (CAMT) method are overall more powerful, especially for sparse signals, compared to the traditional ST procedure. Cross validation analysis based on independent data of age- and smoking-associated DMPs revealed that the adaptive FDR control with informative covariates can improve the EWAS power to retrieve biological relevance. In summary, to address the common concern “multiple testing” in the era of big data, this research proposed a new idea of integrating statistical and biological knowledge to aid effectively mining the biological mechanisms behind important traits.

#2. Title: Gapless assembly of maize chromosomes using long-read technologies

评述人:吴伸伸 (硕士生)

Short Report

Genome Biology

Date: 2020-05-20


