Nat Materials:首次使用物理方法将成熟细胞重编程为多能性胚胎干细胞

Nat Materials:首次使用物理方法将成熟细胞重编程为多能性胚胎干细胞

2013年10月22日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,刊登在国际杂志Nature Materials上的一篇研究报告中,来自加州大学的研究者通过研究,使用物理方法就可以使得成熟的细胞重新回到多能性的状态,从而就可以分化成为机体的任意类型细胞。


2012年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖就奖励给了干细胞领域的科学家,他们使用化合物和调节基因表达的蛋白就使得细胞进行重编程,回归到了多能型的状态。研究者Song Li表示,我们的研究首次揭示了,生物材料的物理特性同样可以取代生化因子,来调节细胞的记忆识别,我们在文中揭示了,生物物理信号可以被转换成为细胞内的化学信号从而调节细胞发生改变。


这项最新研究发现,生长在微凹槽中的培养细胞可以改善细胞重编程的效率以及一致性,而且和丙戊酸的效率一样。最后研究者Jennifer Soto表示,我们同样也研究了是否生物物理因子可以帮助重编程细胞分化成为特殊的细胞类型,比如神经元,后期我们还将进行深入研究来证实。(生物谷

Nat Materials:首次使用物理方法将成熟细胞重编程为多能性胚胎干细胞


Biophysical regulation of epigenetic state and cell reprogramming

Timothy L. Downing,1, 2 Jennifer Soto,1, 2 Constant Morez,2, 3, 7 Timothee Houssin,2, 4, 7 Ashley Fritz,5 Falei Yuan,2, 6 Julia Chu,2 Shyam Patel,2 David V. Schaffer1, 2, 5 & Song Li1, 2

Biochemical factors can help reprogram somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells, yet the role of biophysical factors during reprogramming is unknown. Here, we show that biophysical cues, in the form of parallel microgrooves on the surface of cell-adhesive substrates, can replace the effects of small-molecule epigenetic modifiers and significantly improve reprogramming efficiency. The mechanism relies on the mechanomodulation of the cells’ epigenetic state. Specifically, decreased histone deacetylase activity and upregulation of the expression of WD repeat domain 5 (WDR5)—a subunit of H3 methyltranferase—by microgrooved surfaces lead to increased histone H3 acetylation and methylation. We also show that microtopography promotes a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition in adult fibroblasts. Nanofibrous scaffolds with aligned fibre orientation produce effects similar to those produced by microgrooves, suggesting that changes in cell morphology may be responsible for modulation of the epigenetic state. These findings have important implications in cell biology and in the optimization of biomaterials for cell-engineering applications.

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