

鍒嗗瓙娴佽岀梾瀛﹂噸鐐瑰疄楠屽ゅ缓璁句簡鍒嗗瓙娴佽岀梾瀛︽妧鏈骞冲彴銆佸簲鐢ㄥ熀鍥犵粍瀛︽妧鏈骞冲彴銆佸垎瀛愮敓鐗╂爣蹇楃墿妫娴嬪钩鍙板強鑷鐢卞熀棰勯槻鍖诲︾爺绌跺钩鍙扮瓑鍒嗗瓙鐢熺墿瀛︾爺绌跺钩鍙帮紝鐮旂┒棰嗗煙娑夊強椋熸簮鎬х柧鐥呴勯槻鎺у埗銆佺幆澧冧笌鍩哄洜浜や簰浣滅敤鎵鑷寸柧鐥呯殑鍒嗗瓙娴佽岀梾瀛︾爺绌躲佸垎瀛愮敓鐗╁︽爣蹇楃墿鐮旂┒涓庡簲鐢ㄣ佹柊鍙戜紶鏌撶梾鐨勫垎瀛愭満鐞嗙爺绌剁瓑銆傜洰鍓嶆壙鎷呭浗瀹惰嚜鐒剁戝﹀熀閲戙佸箍涓滅渷鑷鐒剁戝﹀熀閲戙佹繁娓鍒涙柊鍩洪噾锛屾繁鍦冲競绉戞妧璁″垝閲嶇偣椤圭洰绛夎祫鍔╃殑澶氶」鐮旂┒璇鹃樸傝繎5骞存潵鍏堝悗鍦Arch ToxicolCirculationFree Radic Biol MedFood Chem ToxicolEur Food Res TechnolEmerg Infect Dis, Cancer Res, Oxid Med Cell Longev鍙婁腑鍗庨勯槻鍖诲︽潅蹇楃瓑鍥藉唴澶栨潈濞佹湡鍒婂彂琛ㄥ︽湳璁烘枃180澶氱瘒锛屼富缂栨垨缂栬憲鍑虹増瀛︽湳涓撹憲锛堜汉姘戝崼鐢熷嚭鐗堢ぞ锛6閮锛岃幏鍥藉跺彂鏄庝笓鍒╁拰鍥藉躲佺渷銆佸競绉戞妧鎴愭灉濂栧氶」锛涘煿鍏诲崥澹鍜岀曞+鐮旂┒鐢熻繎50鍚嶃

Key Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology belong to the first batch of Key Medical Laboratory of Shenzhen with qualifications for recruiting independently master students, as well as cooperatively doctoral students and post-doctors training. Our department has been supported by grants of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Guangdong Province Natural Science Foundation and Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology program prior and Subject layout project funding. Also be responsible for two Sanming Project of Medcine and Health of ShenzhenInnovation Research on Prevention of Food Borne Diseaseprevention of major environmental related diseases锛夛紝and the development and application of molecular biology technology platforms. It Key Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology of Shenzhen has established several molecular biology technical platforms such as Molecular EpidemiologyGenomics, proteomic, epigenetics, molecular marker detection, preventative medicine for free radicals.Our research include molecular epidemiological studies involving interactions of environmental and genetic factors induced diseases, molecular mechanism and biomarkers research and application, emerging infectious diseases and applied genomics research. In recent years a number of scientific research projects were carried out, such as Chinese National Natural Sciences Foundation Project, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Fund, Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology project. In the past five years, 6 books were published by People's Health Publishing House, a total of 180 research articles were published in Arch ToxicolCirculationFree Radic Biol MedFood Chem ToxicolEur Food Res TechnolEmerg Infect Dis, Cancer Res, Oxid Med Cell Longev.etc. The senior staffs in the Laboratory were awarded more than 10 invention patents and science & technology rewards. Such as Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Award, Award of Science and Technology of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award. Ever since, the Laboratory has trained totally 50 PhD graduates, MSc graduates and post-doctors.
