帝肯 TECAN品牌简介 TECAN 酶标仪;工作站;世界杯2022预选赛积分榜

瑞士帝肯()是全球领先的生命科学与世界杯2022预选赛积分榜 、法医和临床诊断领域自动化及解决方案供应商。公司成立于1980年,总部 设在瑞士Männedorf,分别在瑞士、北美和奥地利设有自己的研发和生产基地,目前公司主要经营的产品有三大类:全自动化液体处理平台 ( Liquid Handing&Robotics )、多功能酶标仪(Multimode Reader)和OEM组件;销售服务网络遍布世界52个国家,客户覆盖制药企业、生物技术公司、科研院所、法医、医院、血站系统和疾病控制中心 (CDC)等。其液体处理技术已拥有行业经验30年,在全球处于领先地位,备受世界领先生命科学实验室的青睐。
帝肯(上海)贸易有限公司是瑞士帝肯集团公司亚太区总部,2008年4月成立于上海浦东。帝肯(上海)目前拥有一支专业的售前和售后服务团队,在 科研、医院、血站和CDC领域构建了良好的经销网络,并以“力求比客户期望做的更好”的服务理念,给广大的终端用户提供专业的服务。

Tecan is a leading global supplier of solutions for the biopharma, forensic and diagnostic industries. The company is a leader in the development, production and distribution of advanced automation and detection solutions for the world’s leading life science laboratories.
Tecan is founded in Switzerland in 1980, the company has over 1100 employees, owns production, research and development sites in both North America and Europe and maintains a sales and service network in 52 countries.
In Oct.2008, Tecan has opened its new Asia Pacific region headquarters- Tecan (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd., based in the heart of Shanghai’s pharmaceutical and life science centre. The launch of the regional headquarters reflects the Company’s significant growth and strong commitment to the market in China, as well as the whole Asia Pacific region, and will greatly improve service and support for customers and distribution partners alike.

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