基于Dickeya dadantii特有标志基因检测甘薯茎腐病菌

基于Dickeya dadantii特有标志基因检测甘薯茎腐病菌 Detection of stem and root rot pathogen of sweet potato based on conserved signature genes specific to Dickeya dadantii


摘要 甘薯细菌性茎腐病是由达旦提狄克氏菌(Dickeya dadantii)引起的一种检疫性病害,近年来在我国多地发生,严重威胁我国甘薯产业的发展。建立特异灵敏的检测D. dadantii的方法对于鉴定检疫病原菌、田间监测病原菌和防控病害有重要意义。本研究对Dickeya属菌株的全基因组序列进行比较基因组学分析,筛选到D. dadantii特有的标志基因,针对标志基因设计引物,其中针对编码登录号为WP077245517未知蛋白基因的1对引物Dad1-F(5’-CATATCAACCAGACCAGCCGTT-3’)和Dad1-R(5’-CGGCCTGCTTTTAAACAACGTATTA-3’)能只从D. dadantii扩增到167 bp目的片段。由此建立了特异灵敏的常规PCR和实时荧光定量PCR检测D. dadantii的方法,为鉴定检疫甘薯茎腐病病原菌和田间监测病害提供了有效方法。 Bacterial stem and root rot of sweet potato caused by Dickeya dadantii is a new quarantine plant disease in China.Recent outbreaks of this disease threaten sweet potato production in China.Specific and sensitive detection of D.dadantii is critical for the pathogen identification,distribution monitoring and the disease control.Here,conserved signature genes specific to D.dadantii were found by the whole genome sequences analysis of the strains belonging to the genus Dickeya.Primers targeting to the conserved signature genes were designed and tested by PCR.One set of primers Dad1-F(5’-CATATCAACCAGACCAGCCGTT-3’)and Dad1-R(5’-CGGCCTGCTTTTAAACAACGTATTA-3’),which targets to a conserved signature gene encoding an unknown protein with the accession number WP077245517,specifically amplified a 167 bp fragment from D.dadantii by conventional PCR and real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR,providing a specific and sensitive method for identification and monitoring of D.dadantii in the field.

作者 吴秀芹 罗金燕 孙国昌 易建平 李斌 安千里 WU Xiu-qin;LUO Jin-yan;SUN Guo-chang;YI Jian-ping;LI Bin;AN Qian-li(Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects,Key Laboratory of Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects of Zhejiang Province,Institute of Biotechnology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;Shanghai Agriculture Technology Extension&Service Center,Shanghai 201103,China;Institute of Plant Protection and Microbiology,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310021,China;Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Shanghai 200135,China)

机构地区 浙江大学生物技术研究所 上海市农业技术推广服务中心 浙江省农业科学院植物保护与微生物研究所 上海出入境检验检疫局

出处 《植物病理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期688-698,共11页 Acta Phytopathologica Sinica

基金 浙江省重点研发项目(2017C02002) 浙江省自然科学基金(LY19C010007) 上海市农业基础性研究项目[沪农科攻字(2014)第7-3-1号、沪农科攻字(2015)第4-4号].

关键词 软腐病 甘薯茎腐病 狄克氏菌 保守标志蛋白 种特异基因 soft rot disease stem and root rot of sweet potato Dickeya conserved signature protein species-specific gene

分类号 S435.311 [农业科学—农业昆虫与害虫防治][农业科学—植物保护]





2019年 第5期









上一篇:传承红色基因 奏响时代华章 浙江音乐学院庆祝建