

北京大学化学与分子工程学院, 化学国家级实验教学示范中心, 北京 100871

摘要: 分析化学是化学的重要分支,分析化学实验教学在本科生化学教育中有着重要的位置。自主实验已经普遍应用到实验教学的实践中,对于药学等非化学专业在基础课程中开展自主实验也有重要意义,同时适合进行实验教学方法的研究。在基础实验课程的有限学时里开展自主实验,是一项有挑战的实践,文章对在实验内容选择、课程分析、助教培训等方面的探究进行了介绍,以及强调安全教育与保障是开展实验教学的必要条件,并介绍了进一步的教学实践设想。


Exploration of Independent Experiments in Basic Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

National Demonstration Center for Experimental Chemistry Education, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China

Received Date: 12 September 2018

Abstract: Analytical chemistry lab plays an important role in chemistry education for undergraduate. The independent experiment has been widely applied to the practice of laboratory teaching. It is also of great significance to carry out independent experiments for majors such as pharmaceutical sciences. It is a challenging practice to carry out the independent experiment in the limited time of the basic laboratory course. The article discusses the research on the selection of the experimental content, the course analysis, and the training of the teaching assistants, and introduces the tentative plan for further teaching practice.

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