美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心王涛课题组 招聘

美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心王涛课题组 招聘生物信息学博后

2022-04-29 09:54 来源: icsrn科研网

原标题:美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心王涛课题组 招聘生物信息学博后

UT Southwestern Medical Center 王涛课题组



美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心(UTSW)是世界知名的医学研究中心。该中心自1985年以来,共产生了6名诺贝尔奖获得者,22名美国国家科学院院士及18名美国国家医学院院士,拥有世界最前缘的研究平台及人才。UTSW王涛课题组2016年成立以来致力于生物信息,生物统计,深度学习和计算生物学的方法学研发,和在转化临床医学方面的应用。课题组成立以来在Cell, Science, The Lancet Oncology, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communication, Nature Methods, PNAS, Cancer Discovery等顶尖期刊发表文章若干。课题组拥有专利两项。王涛课题组的核心研究方向包括肿瘤免疫,计算免疫,和单细胞测序数据的分析方法的开发。由于目前课题研究需要,急需聘任高水平博后1名。王涛课题组及其所隶属的定量生物学研究中心(QBRC)和公共卫生学院(SPH, 刚成立)为定量生物学研究打造了一个顶级的多学科交叉的研究平台。课题组和中心的内部研究人员以及外部的合作者来自于信息学,统计学,生物学和医学等不同的背景,并通过各种形式相互帮助,沟通与合作。我们诚邀生物信息学,生物统计学,计算生物学和信息科学领域的青年科学家加入我们的队伍!








Lab website:


Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nu0-Gn4AAAAJ&hl=en


王涛课题组所隶属的公共卫生学院: https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/education/public-health/ (现为Department of Population and Data Sciences)


Benisse for Interpreting the B Cell Receptor Repertoire with Single Cell Gene Expression. Nature Machine Intelligence. 2022. (In press)

Deep learning-based prediction of the T cell receptor-antigen binding specificity. Nature Machine Intelligence. 2021.

Mapping the Functional Landscape of T Cell Receptor Repertoire by Single T Cell Transcriptomics. Nature Methods. 2020.

Tumor Neoantigenicity Assessment with CSiN Score Incorporates Clonality and Immunogenicity to Predict Immunotherapy Outcomes. Science Immunology. 2020.

Somatic Mutations Increase Hepatic Clonal Fitness and Regeneration in Chronic Liver Disease. Cell. 2019.


应聘者请将个人详细简历(中文或英文)及其他相关资料发送至Dr. Tao Wang (Tao.Wang@UTSouthwestern.edu)。邮件附件中请勿加入压缩(.zip一类)文件,以防被UTSW防火墙拦截。微信联系亦可:wtwt5237

Recruiting: post-doctoral researcher in bioinformatics

Tao Wang Lab at UT Southwestern Medical Center

Lab introduction

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) is an elite research institution, with ongoing support from the National Institutes of Health and other federal agencies, foundations, individuals, and corporations providing more than $360 million per year to fund research. The faculty includes many distinguished members who have inspired the development of the Medical Center over this time, including 6 Nobel laureates, 22 National Academy of Science members, 16 National Academy of Medicine members and 13 investigators in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

The Tao Wang Lab is a top and well-established bioinformatics research group at UTSW. Statistics, informatics, medicine, and biology are the four integral pillars of Tao Wang Lab’s interdisciplinary research program. Dr. Wang’s group has been working on mining public and in-house high throughput data to achieve a deeper understanding of the immunology of various human diseases, with a heavy emphasis on cancers, and its implications for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. The core research interest of Wang Lab is in development of methodologies for analyses of tumor immunogenomics, computational immunology, scRNA-seq data. The ultimate goal is to impact the prognosis and treatment of patients suffering from cancers and other diseases, through modeling of high dimensional data, especially genomics data. Tao Wang Lab has published 51 papers in top journals, such as Nature Machine Intelligence (2022, Zhang and Park et al), Nature Machine Intelligence (2021, Lu et al), Nature Methods (2021, Zhang et al), Science Immunology (2020, Lu et al), Cancer Discovery (2018, Wang et al), SMMR (2020, Park et al), Cell (2019, Zhu et al), since its establishment in 2016. Wang Lab holds two patents.
